Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bead Board Shelf

This is my newest shelf creation. It is mounted on the wall the same way that crown molding shelves are. This 8 inch wide by 3.5 feet shelf includes curves side supports, crown molding, and bead board. Decorative hooks (not included) may be attached to bottom board. The price for this is $40 unpainted or $47 painted.
This is an example of a painted decorated shelf. hooks and plaque would be an additional price.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Crown Molding Box Shelves

Custom made shelves using crown molding to support them on the wall. They are attached to the wall by screwing a 2x2 board on the wall. The shelf is attached to the 2x2 with small screws from the top of the shelf. An eight inch wide primed shelf is $10 a foot and a six inch wide primed shelf is $8 a foot. I charge $2 more a foot for a painted shelf. I include all hardware needed to attach shelf to wall.